Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


tentang pondok pesantren DARUL ULUM pacarkeling kejayan pasuruan

(contoh )

Starting from a year ago exactly 2009-05 April, we were young children who happened to sekelomppok sama2 Pengemar band music stream malay intend to form bands, from there we find the name for the band group, the appropriate
Once we come together then we find the name that we think is appropriate is "THE SHEETS" the name taken from the name of the sheets in front of the personnel,
At first we manyanyikan songs other people who more trendy today as purple st 12 etc.
Once there is input from one of our personnel have proposed what if we create your own songs, after we talked, we agreed we bareng2, enyanyikan song creation itself.
For now we have a song 4 (four) songs

· Sanjaya
· Story was beautiful
· Goodbye
· No order

To position the sheets personnel currently as follows

thesheets nelly video click here

setelh two two months of the formation of the sheets we were asked to fill in the holiday event rutinan sambisirah ketupat in the town that had the headline "rocking diamond"
Sukur praise to Allah who was Kenan success of our first stage appearance, from that moment our band group "THE SHEETS" began in the know mnasarakat sambisirah,
as time passes and his many suggestions from our many fans who want to join our band group,
not intend to disappoint them with our proposed requirements, such as a song that will bring must track its own creation, and we also form a shadow bands,
and the shadow band group we call "3G BAND"
3G band itself is capable of creating songs as much; four titles

· MONTH (life floating) cipt; esiz
· THERE'S NO LOVE TO (life floating) cipt; esiz
· FRIEND cipt; esiz
· MENGEJER IMPIN cipt; esiz
. Dewy (studio 1) cipt; Ahong

The 3G bands on personili by

As usual lagi2 like its predecessor the 3G band to follow the footsteps of his brother THE SHEETS accept the offer of a gig at the famous floating restaurant in the city precisely Bangil, praise and thank god we were climbing it to us because the stage was successfully documented the event with full support by the "CSP" creatife studio production (editing video / audio)
Because C SP is also the sheets song + video + 3G bands known in dunya maya.karna been uploaded in the internet search engine like 'you tube' 4 shared ziddu,
You can also access at (here)
Given our fans are still active and was always loyal support us to continue to work so we do not want to disappoint them we keep trying and always tried to be good too, we never get bored to create a song, after five months later we asked again to fill a regular event that in the title in the village sambisirah east, this time the routine is getting festive event just because the seponsori directly by PT Honda and the panitiya penyalenggara bring audio from the town of Sidoarjo famous "Eye Balls" we repeat the success the second time because we were also supported by video shoting "CSP" (creatife studio production)
Tampa us realize the results of our videos so much that we kuwalahan order and for the moment we are unable to provide a piece cd again but we send a link to the see on the Internet,
Before we had this post ahiri we hope to all for your prayers we keep working. Amiin

to get into facebook CSP click here
to get into facebook shyitu 3G vocals click here
to get into facebook Ahong founder 3G click here
to get into facebook nelly vocals thesheets click here

indrapermaya@yahoo.com / fb

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